Evergreen flowering shrubs and plants & bulbs

Evergreens provide year-round greenery, while seasonal flowering plants and bulbs add bursts of vibrant color throughout the year.


1. Camellia

Blooms: Late fall to early spring.

Colors: Pink, white, red.

2. Azalea (Evergreen varieties)

Blooms: Spring, sometimes reblooms in fall.

Colors: White, pink, red, purple.

3. Gardenia

Blooms: Summer.

Colors: White, highly fragrant.

4. Rhododendron

Blooms: Spring.

Colors: Pink, purple, red, white.

5. Viburnum tinus

Blooms: Late winter to spring.

Colors: White, sometimes with pink buds.

6. Daphne odora

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colors: Pink, white, very fragrant.

7. Abelia (Evergreen varieties)

Blooms: Spring to fall.

Colors: White, pink.

8. Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo)

Blooms: Late spring to early summer.

Colors: White flowers, followed by red berries in fall.

9. Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’ (Not evergreen but prized for long-lasting blooms)

Blooms: Summer to early fall.

Colors: Large white flowers that fade to pale green.

10. Jasmine (Evergreen varieties, such as Star Jasmine – Trachelospermum jasminoides)

Blooms: Late spring to summer.

Colors: White, highly fragrant.

11. Fuchsia (Hardy & Evergreen Varieties)

Blooms: Summer to early fall.

Colors: Pink, purple, red, white.

Note: Some varieties are evergreen in mild climates, while others die back in winter.

12. Escallonia

Blooms: Summer to fall.

Colors: Pink, red, white.

13. Mahonia (Oregon Grape)

Blooms: Late fall to early spring.

Colors: Bright yellow, followed by dark blue berries.

14. Choisya (Mexican Orange Blossom)

Blooms: Spring and sometimes again in fall.

Colors: White, citrus-scented flowers.

15. Pieris Japonica (Lily of the Valley Shrub)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colors: White, pink.

16. Loropetalum (Chinese Fringe Flower)

Blooms: Spring and sporadically through summer.

Colors: Pink, red.

17. Cistus (Rock Rose)

Blooms: Late spring to summer.

Colors: White, pink, purple.

18. Grevillea (Evergreen shrub popular in warm climates)

Blooms: Year-round in warm climates.

Colors: Red, pink, orange, yellow.

19. Ceanothus (California Lilac)

Blooms: Spring to early summer.

Colors: Blue, purple, white.


1. Hellebores (Lenten Rose)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colours: White, pink, purple, green.

2. Anemone japonica

Blooms: Late summer to fall.

Colours: White, pink.

3. Cyclamen hederifolium

Blooms: Late summer to fall.

Colours: White, pink.

4. Periwinkle (Vinca)

Blooms: Spring and sporadically throughout the year.

Colours: Purple, white.

5. Erysimum (Wallflower)

Blooms: Spring to fall.

Colors: Yellow, purple, orange.

6. Bergenia (Elephants Ears)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colours: Pink, purple, white.

7. Heuchera (Coral Bells)

Blooms: Late spring to summer.

Colours: Pink, red, white.

8. Lithodora

Blooms: Late spring to early summer.

Colours: Bright blue flowers.

9. Ajuga (Bugleweed)

Blooms: Spring to early summer.

Colours: Blue, purple.

10. Polygala myrtifolia (Sweet Pea Shrub)

Blooms: Year-round in mild climates.

Colours: Purple, pink.


1. Snowdrops (Galanthus)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colors: White.

2. Daffodils (Narcissus)

Blooms: Early to mid-spring.

Colors: Yellow, white, orange.

3. Tulips (Tulipa)

Blooms: Spring.

Colors: A wide variety, including red, pink, yellow, white, purple.

4. Hyacinths (Hyacinthus)

Blooms: Early to mid-spring.

Colors: Blue, purple, pink, white.

5. Crocus

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colors: Purple, yellow, white.

6. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

Blooms: Spring.

Colors: Blue, occasionally white or pink.

7. Alliums

Blooms: Late spring to early summer.

Colors: Purple, white, pink.

8. Autumn Crocus (Colchicum)

Blooms: Fall.

Colors: Purple, pink, white.

9. Lily (Lilium)

Blooms: Summer.

Colors: White, pink, red, orange, yellow.

10. Freesia

Blooms: Late winter to spring (in mild climates).

Colors: Yellow, white, pink, purple.

11. Snowflake (Leucojum)

Blooms: Spring and sometimes late summer.

Colors: White, bell-shaped flowers.

12. Gladiolus

Blooms: Summer.

Colors: Red, yellow, white, pink, purple, orange.

13. Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring (indoors) or summer (outdoors).

Colors: Red, white, pink, orange.

14. Cyclamen (Cyclamen coum) (Winter-flowering variety)

Blooms: Late winter to early spring.

Colors: Pink, white.

15. Chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow)

Blooms: Early spring.

Colors: Blue, pink, white.

16. Scilla (Siberian Squill)

Blooms: Early spring.

Colors: Deep blue, white.